A web-based professional job market place, NaukriJunction pairs employers and buyers with job seekers, freelancers or service providers. It matches the best talent with the best job opportunities worldwide, giving companies a cost-effective platform to search for services suited to their needs.
NaukriJunction is a complete recruitment portal that provides a huge database of the most suitable, economical and talented human resource available in over 400 different skill areas and categories. It helps companies reduce their recruitment costs while hiring quality personnel.
The Resume and Interview Call Management System of NaukriJunction (RIMS) helps automate the process, making it paperless and hassle-free, hence saving on time, cost and resources. From posting a job to short-listing and organizing resumes/applications to corresponding with applicants and sending interview calls, it handles the whole hiring process seamlessly, efficiently and effectively.
Blue Ice Technologies also offers companies and employers a customized version of NaukriJunction, designed specifically for corporate use.
Visit NaukriJunction.com
December 4, 2008 at 6:01 PM
NaukriJunction.com is an excellent recruiting service, a place to find the best jobs & employment services in Pakistan.